Ebook Data Mining for Business Intelligence Concepts Techniques and Applications in Microsoft Office Excel with XLMiner
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Incorporating a new focus on data visualization and time series forecasting, Data Mining for Business Intelligence, Second Edition continues to supply insightful, detailed guidance on fundamental data mining techniques. This new edition guides readers through the use of the Microsoft Office Excel add-in XLMiner for developing predictive models and techniques for describing and finding patterns in data.From clustering customers into market segments and finding the characteristics of frequent flyers to learning what items are purchased with other items, the authors use interesting, real-world examples to build a theoretical and practical understanding of key data mining methods, including classification, prediction, and affinity analysis as well as data reduction, exploration, and visualization.The Second Edition now features:Three new chapters on time series forecasting, introducing popular business forecasting methods including moving average, exponential smoothing methods; regression-based models; and topics such as explanatory vs. predictive modeling, two-level models, and ensemblesA revised chapter on data visualization that now features interactive visualization principles and added assignments that demonstrate interactive visualization in practiceSeparate chapters that each treat k-nearest neighbors and Nave Bayes methodsSummaries at the start of each chapter that supply an outline of key topicsThe book includes access to XLMiner, allowing readers to work hands-on with the provided data. Throughout the book, applications of the discussed topics focus on the business problem as motivation and avoid unnecessary statistical theory. Each chapter concludes with exercises that allow readers to assess their comprehension of the presented material. The final chapter includes a set of cases that require use of the different data mining techniques, and a related Web site features data sets, exercise solutions, PowerPoint slides, and case solutions.Data Mining for Business Intelligence, Second Edition is an excellent book for courses on data mining, forecasting, and decision support systems at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also a one-of-a-kind resource for analysts, researchers, and practitioners working with quantitative methods in the fields of business, finance, marketing, computer science, and information technology. Safari the world's most comprehensive tech & business Explore More than 40000 books videos and interactive tutorials from over 200 of the worlds best publishers including OReilly Pearson Harvard Business XLMiner Data Mining Add-in For Excel solver Our easy to use professional level tool for data visualization forecasting and data mining in Excel XLMiner is the only comprehensive data mining add-in for Excel Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts Techniques Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts Techniques and Applications with XLMiner 3rd Edition Data Mining for Business Sign In - Safari Books Online If your workplace integrates with Safari Single Sign On sign in with just your email below Data Mining for Business Analytics Concepts Techniques For users of our XLMiner edition please note that XLMiner is now part of Analytic Solver a comprehensive analytics toolkit that includes data mining optimization Statisticscom - Predictive Analytics 1 - Machine Learning In this online course you will be introduced to the basic concepts in predictive analytics also called predictive modeling the most prevalent form of data mining Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts Techniques Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts Techniques and Applications in XLMiner Third Edition presents an applied approach to data mining and predictive
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